Week 26- Rainfall/ The Pouring Never Stops!

Hello Dearest Family and Friends!
First off I want to congratulate Graham and Rhandi on their anniversary yesterday!!!!!!! Is it your 9th? 10th? So awesome! I love you both tons!!!!!!!
Also, Alli and Ryan, and Maude and Michael have been married for a year now! Congratulations to you both! I love you all!
Sister Johnson and I have realized how much more we are becoming sister missionaries. A family in our branch was moving and gave us a ton of liahonas. we took up our personal time reading them. It felt like Christmas we were soooooooo excited! We also were visiting an investigator and there was a mirror by her door. We were wondering how it would feel to have a skirt above the knee….ooohhh it scared us and we put our skirts back down. who knew that i would get so used to wearing long skirts that short skirts scare us! ^^ even if it is still modest! so funny. we were dying with laughter.
So sister Johnson used to have this cute giraffe thing that one of her companions made her but it fell apart. so we have been hiding the head around the house to see if the other person will find it. I opened the fridge and I saw this. It is a little morbid but sooooooo  funny!
This week, as always, was a great week! It has been raining a TON! Today is incredible. It is just pouring loads. The weather has got a lot cooler. Apparently fall is starting. Sister Johnson and I have no clue what happened to the summer because it was not the usual Korean hot, sticky, and humid summer that it usually is. Crazy! Everyone kept warning me about it. So I am glad we had a nice summer.
I was reading Ether 11 on saturday and made a few observations from this chapter. It is not a spiritually uplifting kind of chapter but it is about the destruction of man as it becomes more wicked, then the people repenting and changing their ways so they can be righteous. I was thinking about how we sometimes close our hearts and do not hearken to the voice of the Lord. How can we make sure to always have an open heart and mind to be able to listen to the Lord? It all comes down to one word: obedience; Obedience opens our hearts. It also opens the flood gates of blessings. When we obey, we are able to accomplish all that the Lord wants. We are able to fulfill our full potential. If we love God enough, we would be willing to do anything for Him. Do I love God enough? Do I love God enough to put my own wants on the sacrificial altar? What is holding me back? I would like to think that I would. Would I be like the young ruler and walk away in shame? Or would I be like the apostles and immediatly dropped everything to follow Christ? Is this sacrifice for me or is it for others? Are the things that I learned in the life more for me or is it for others as well? I have a lot to accomplish and I know the Lord will help me do it as long as I try my hardest. He will bless me. I hope I have the faith, determination and courage to do it. 
I came to the conclusion that I would do everything for the Lord. I am willing to sacrifice all for him if he needs me to. It would be hard but it is always doable. The Lord never gives us anything that is too hard to handle.  At first you think that there would be a few things that would be hard to sacrifice but then you realize those things don’t matter. What really matters is what you do with what the Lord gives you.
This also goes along with the “Be Strong and of a Good Courage” talk given by President Monson. Courage is needed! “Everyday courage has few witnesses. But yours is no less noble because no drum beats for you and no crowds shout your name”. “Courage is not limited to the battlefield or bravely catching a thief in your house. The real tests of courage are much quieter. They are inner tests, like remaining faithful when no one’s looking…like standing alone when your’e misunderstood.” “They had the courage to do not that which was easy but that which was right”. “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.” and my favorite!  Joshua” I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee….Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee withersover thou goest”.
I know and believe that the Lord is always there for us, no matter what. Be strong. I hope you all can have the faith, determination, and courage to do all that the Lord asks. So much is given to us and the Lord expects so much out of us. You can do it!
You are all the greatest. Keep it up! LOVE YOU TONS!!!
Love, Sister Orme

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