Tag Archive | rain

Week 27- Investigators From Prison

Hello Dearest Friends and Family!
This week has been great! No food adventures but lots of rain! It has been raining non-stop for about 3 or so weeks! Maybe 4 or 5 out of those days it didn’t rain. Also not just a light rain, but pouring.
CONGRATULATIONS TO MELINDA AND BLAKE!!!! I am so excited to not only come back to two of my friends but they are also now my cousins! I love you Sutten and Melinda!!!!!! You married into the best family! Well, at least I think they are the best family. ^^ Btw, I just remembered a very brief and random thought that I had. I thought it was cool. So my first or second time meeting Melinda I thought she would be an awesome addition to our family. I couldn’t figure out how she could be in our immediate family but then I decided to settle on that she would be an awesome cousin. Well, look at what happened. I forgot I had ever thought that! Then when Sutten and Jake started becoming friends it just seemed like she was already apart of the family. I am excited for our two new cousins! Congratulations again to Maria!!! I will meet your new husband someday! LOVE YOU ALL! I am excited for who else is going to get married! ^^
So, this week we bought a ridiculous hat. We decided to put on our grandpa pants, thrift shop shirts and the hat on. yes, we look ridiculous!
I wanted to highlight Carson’s email to me and the rest of the family. I want other missionaries to read this. Here is Carson’s Email: “So glad you are looking through old records Reagan! Way to go! Miracles are to be had from looking at those old investigator records found in area books…it is an awesome story.
“At the transfer meeting before I went to my last area, Ploiesti, our Mission President gave us a challenge to search the old investigator records in our apartment’s area books.  He promised that if we would do so we would find golden investigators and baptize.  So we followed his guidance and the first day we got to our area we searched our area book.  When I did I came upon a detailed note from a missionary who had since returned home.  He spoke about a father and son who he had met through English classes and they took missionary lessons, but the time wasn’t right. He pled with future missionaries so visit this family since they were golden.  Well, I decided we had found our man.  So our first Sunday in the area we dropped by the home of Valentin Ene and he and his family were home!  They invited us in, he was surprised to see us, but happy.  He told us how he didn’t believe in God, but was willing to learn, and felt that he should.  The last six months I was in Romania I taught Valentin. He grew step by step.  I dreamed, prayed, hoped that he would be baptized.  I knew he was one of the elect, a true kingdom builder.  About two weeks before my mission ended, we all took a bus to another chapel for a District (we didn’t have stakes) conference.  Valentin came along and on the way back home in the bus we sat next to one another and chatted the whole time. I was overjoyed and couldn’t believe my ears when he told me he had decided to get baptized.  It was a true miracle.  My last Sunday in Romania I was able to baptize him.  Since then he has been a branch president and district counselor. He has been to the temple a few times.  He also has a great job working for the church as the facilities manager for all of Romania and Moldova.  Mom and Dad have met him and his wife and two kids.  Anne has met Valentin and his family as well.  We have such a special relationship.  His wife is a devout Orthodox and hasn’t shown interest in the church, and wants her two boys to stay Orthodox.  But she is supportive of her husband and their youngest son Radu goes to church with his Dad.  The oldest boy is now in college in Denmark.
Pictures of Miryang from a tall apt building. basically the biggest one in Miryang
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“So that is a special story to me.  So when I read that Sister Orme was looking through old investigator records I got excited and had to give my witness that those efforts pay off!”
Well, this week we met an old investigator from 10 years ago. She has 3 children and wants to meet with us again! We have an appointment for friday. Currently we are teaching 3 old investigators from old records. When we visited this lady it was amazing. We knocked on the door and it was super loud in her house. She tutors kids in math and english. She said she was busy and to come back later and then 2 seconds later she said to come in. We sat and talked with 2/3 kids for about 30 mintues. She was really happy to see us and is excited to meet again. I am sooooo excited for all of these old investigators. I know that if we all do the same and call old investigators we will see miracles.
I think I briefly touched on this in an earlier email. But the Elders have some investigators in prison. One in particular who is absolutely amazing! He bears his testimony of the gospel often and they are powerful testimonies. The Elders were even given permission to baptize him right after he gets out of prison. He doesn’t even have to go to church first! He gets out this friday. I wanted to share with you my journal entry when I was reflecting on this miracle. “I feel like prisoners are some of the lowest of the low peoplle. They are stuck in prison, with not a lot of stuff to do, loads of time, and not a lot of possessions. They have a lot of time to ponder, think, and read. Why not ponder, think, and read the BofM? Yes, there is also a lot of evil in that prison. Many did really bad things but despite the evil they performed they are still children of God. When their hearts start changing , and changing for good, don’t they deserve mercy too? Yes, we are human and we make mistakes, some worse than others, but we all deserve to be given the chance to change. The Elders having a prisoner in prison has changed my perspective a little about prisoners. Despite so much evil, there can be good. It reminds me of the scriptures. So much evil, so much killing, whoredoms, etc. The Lord still forgave them when they remembered Him and repented. The Lord has perfect understanding of one’s heart. When we have a meek and lowly heart and want to change, we will receive what we deserve. Which is love, kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. We are not perfect but the Lord is. How great is the Lord’s plan?! He knows what we need to learn and how we can grow. I hope that everyone feels like they deserve His love. Because we ALL do. Love him and love others. You can’t receive unless you give first. I hope we all can show our love for others like the Lord does.”
The Lord’s work is hastening!
Also, remember that less active family I mentioned earlier? If not, it is okay. President and Sister Gilbert, this is your favorite family in Miryang. But I wanted to share some amazing news. The daughter, whom we have been meeting, is finally coming to church!!!!! Her mom is also becoming more active. She wants to go to BYU so she is trying hard to make sure she can get in by doing everything. She is getting more involved. Her initial reason for coming may not be amazing but she is starting to realize more and more that it is important to stay active. They want to get patriarchal blessings too! We talked to the mom and daughter and they wanted them the next day! We are helping them and they have met with the Branch president. Hopefully, the father will be getting one too. The son is in Utah right now, staying with an LDS family. Which is amazing! I am very happy for their progress. It is slow but they are getting there. We just need to get the dad to come back to church as well. The elders still see him every week.
I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! It is the greatest! LOVE YOU ALL TONS!!!!!!!!
Love Sister Orme

Week 26- Rainfall/ The Pouring Never Stops!

Hello Dearest Family and Friends!
First off I want to congratulate Graham and Rhandi on their anniversary yesterday!!!!!!! Is it your 9th? 10th? So awesome! I love you both tons!!!!!!!
Also, Alli and Ryan, and Maude and Michael have been married for a year now! Congratulations to you both! I love you all!
Sister Johnson and I have realized how much more we are becoming sister missionaries. A family in our branch was moving and gave us a ton of liahonas. we took up our personal time reading them. It felt like Christmas we were soooooooo excited! We also were visiting an investigator and there was a mirror by her door. We were wondering how it would feel to have a skirt above the knee….ooohhh it scared us and we put our skirts back down. who knew that i would get so used to wearing long skirts that short skirts scare us! ^^ even if it is still modest! so funny. we were dying with laughter.
So sister Johnson used to have this cute giraffe thing that one of her companions made her but it fell apart. so we have been hiding the head around the house to see if the other person will find it. I opened the fridge and I saw this. It is a little morbid but sooooooo  funny!
This week, as always, was a great week! It has been raining a TON! Today is incredible. It is just pouring loads. The weather has got a lot cooler. Apparently fall is starting. Sister Johnson and I have no clue what happened to the summer because it was not the usual Korean hot, sticky, and humid summer that it usually is. Crazy! Everyone kept warning me about it. So I am glad we had a nice summer.
I was reading Ether 11 on saturday and made a few observations from this chapter. It is not a spiritually uplifting kind of chapter but it is about the destruction of man as it becomes more wicked, then the people repenting and changing their ways so they can be righteous. I was thinking about how we sometimes close our hearts and do not hearken to the voice of the Lord. How can we make sure to always have an open heart and mind to be able to listen to the Lord? It all comes down to one word: obedience; Obedience opens our hearts. It also opens the flood gates of blessings. When we obey, we are able to accomplish all that the Lord wants. We are able to fulfill our full potential. If we love God enough, we would be willing to do anything for Him. Do I love God enough? Do I love God enough to put my own wants on the sacrificial altar? What is holding me back? I would like to think that I would. Would I be like the young ruler and walk away in shame? Or would I be like the apostles and immediatly dropped everything to follow Christ? Is this sacrifice for me or is it for others? Are the things that I learned in the life more for me or is it for others as well? I have a lot to accomplish and I know the Lord will help me do it as long as I try my hardest. He will bless me. I hope I have the faith, determination and courage to do it. 
I came to the conclusion that I would do everything for the Lord. I am willing to sacrifice all for him if he needs me to. It would be hard but it is always doable. The Lord never gives us anything that is too hard to handle.  At first you think that there would be a few things that would be hard to sacrifice but then you realize those things don’t matter. What really matters is what you do with what the Lord gives you.
This also goes along with the “Be Strong and of a Good Courage” talk given by President Monson. Courage is needed! “Everyday courage has few witnesses. But yours is no less noble because no drum beats for you and no crowds shout your name”. “Courage is not limited to the battlefield or bravely catching a thief in your house. The real tests of courage are much quieter. They are inner tests, like remaining faithful when no one’s looking…like standing alone when your’e misunderstood.” “They had the courage to do not that which was easy but that which was right”. “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.” and my favorite!  Joshua” I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee….Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee withersover thou goest”.
I know and believe that the Lord is always there for us, no matter what. Be strong. I hope you all can have the faith, determination, and courage to do all that the Lord asks. So much is given to us and the Lord expects so much out of us. You can do it!
You are all the greatest. Keep it up! LOVE YOU TONS!!!
Love, Sister Orme

Week 25- Haunted scrolls

Hello Dearest Family and Friends-
Wow, what a week. We were so busy! Mostly because we are planning a fantastic Mini MTC program that will start tomorrow and end thursday. It will be 3 days of teaching the members in our branch how to share the gospel. I am so excited and we are so happy to help this area grow. We know it will be a blessing. Unfortuneately our Korean Elder, Elder Moon, has transfered to a new area so we are hoping he will be able to come back for the second because we really need him! Our new Elder is Elder Hansen, He is our District leader and just switched with Elder Moon. We are excited to see how he can help push Miryang forward now that Elder Moon has helped so much. He was here for 4 transfers! So long. Sister Johnson and I are staying together! ^^ I will tell you more about it next week. 🙂
Cutest puppy ever! So gentle, so quiet and sooooooo cute!
This week I had some more fun eating adventures… I had jellyfish (soooo interesting, not sure how to describe the texture), raw beef (which tastes just the same when it is cooked, i guess that is good. ^^ people eat raw beef ALOT here), also raw fish again (as usual), then raw eel with the spine still in it (hard to describe the texture as well, it was interesting). Yes, I had all of this in one week and only 2 days out of the week. So, interesting. I literally can eat anything now!!! We also had this super terrible, bitter root drink that the Elder’s investigator gave us. They said it was good for our health. Sister Johnson said it is probably the worst thing she has ever had, she said she would rather have dog meat again rather then drink that again. She couldn’t finish it. It seriously was terrible, I just chugged it down! ^^  Ooh I love food adventures. I can eat anything now. Well, maybe.
Here is a picture of Gramps. So cute!
So, last monday we went to a buddhist store. So cool! Sister Johnson and I bought these really cool scroll things. Then we were looking at the front of them after we bought them, later that night, then we realized there were some words we didn’t understand on the front. We looked them up and they were super bizarre and kind of strange words. We called Elder Moon about them and he asked me how I knew those words. He asked me where I got them and I told him they were from the scrolls. Come to find out they were excorcist scrolls. What?!?! We were so shocked! We had no clue. They were soooo cool looking. He said one of the scrolls was an excorcist scroll, the other a calling of spirits scroll, and he didn’t talk about the other one. He told us to throw away the scrolls we had. We did the next day. So scary! We put them in a different room so they were not in the same room while we were sleeping. I am glad we had a Korean. I was wanting to get some for Creed because he loves that kind of stuff too, but I will get him something else. It is hilarious. 2 innocent Americans getting satanic scrolls. who knew? I am grateful that we have extra protection from the Lord. Phew! ^^
Our district.
We met with Gramps (kim Jay Shik) this week. He is soooo cute. He is the 80 year old man we met. We gave him a Book of Mormon in English as well. He wants to meet again because we were only able to meet for 30 minutes because he had a random meeting to go to. We are also refferring him to the Elders in his area but he loves us so we will still see him occasionally. He has a great desire to learn. I love it!
This week’s weather has been crazy but good. We had typhoons again. The weather was perfect weather. Ahh the best! Then a TON of rain and them super heat. It is crazy this week.
I was reading the Priesthood Session talk by President Monson, the Be Strong and of a Good Courage talk. Wow, it is sooooooooooooo good. I was going to write the highlights but I forgot the talk at home, next week. It was so amazing. I LOVE THAT TALK. It is so important to remember that the Lord is always with you but to also stand up for what is right. Now, that it comes closer to the second coming and the hastening of the work, we must stand for what is right. Despite losing friends, family, job, etc. Those are all temporary things but yes they are hard things to lose as well. As we stand for what is right and what we believe we will forever be blessed now and for the eternities. It is now game time and we must prepared for whatever storms come. I love being able to say that we are missionaries and that we are here to serve the Lord. Time is so precious and this life so important. We must make the most of it and do everything we can to be on the side of the Lord. Did you all see the new Mormon message??? Wow, powerful. The Lord wants you on HIS SIDE TODAY! As we strive to be on the Lord’s side we will see the fruits of our labors. I promise you all that you will be blessed and taken care of. I know it will happen. Maybe not in the ways you think but it will come. Today is the day to choose who’s side you are on. There is no middle ground and you can’t choose both. I choose the Lord’s side. The other side is a dangerous side which will only lead to pain, sorrow, and loss of blessings. Which one would you rather choose. Definitely the Lord’s side.
Keep working hard and be the best people possible that you can be. I love you all! I appreciate everything that you are doing to be the best member, mother, father, missionary, friend, etc. You can do it! Remember the Lord will always remember you if you remember him.
Love, Sister Orme

Week 24- Mission calls, Grandpa, and Cute little Davis

Hello Dearest Family and Friends!
First off, my english is getting worse. So please forgive any mistakes. I have noticed in my journal and in my letters that I am sometimes not good at english anymore. I am trying to keep it up but for some reason it is going down hill without me. ^^
This week was amazing! There are a lot of miracles happening in Miryang right now. We, the missionaries, feel that the Lord is preparing this branch to become a ward! We have so many investigators popping up everywhere. Old records/old investigators are wanting to meet with us. We are searching and looking for less actives. We have been updating their records. There are some that want to meet! We are trying our hardest to get things going and the Lord is providing the rest. I cannot write all of the miracles but there were about 3-4 in the space of two hours on saturday. The rest of the week was basically the same but throughout the days. We are being blessed. I cannot thank the Lord enough for what He is doing for Miryang.
Found this beautiful shirt at a thriftshop. It has people on it. I love it but I don’t wear it during missionary work.
Well, this week especially on the 2nd and 3rd of August a year ago a lot things happened for our family. I was reminiscing on these events. August 2nd was mine and Creed’s year mark of receiving our mission calls. It was fun because I got to read what I thought that whole weekend. Then August 3rd we opened it at 1 am, then mom was packing and flying to Seattle, Grandpa passed away at 3pm and little Davis was born at 6pm . Wow, it was an amazing weekend full of every single emotion possible. ^^  I am grateful for being a missionary and being called to where the Lord needs me. I am grateful for the wonderful legacy that my grandparents have passed down. Especially since Grandpa Dance was our last living grandparent, I was reflecting a lot on all 4 of our grandparents. I CANNOT wait to meet Grandma Helen and Grandpa Jesse and get to know them more, and I am excited for our reunion with Grandma Jean and Grandpa David. I am grateful to them because they raised the most amazing and fantastic parents in the whole wide world!!!!!!!! Then little Davis, our nephew, joined the Orme family. Wow, I cannot believe he is now 1 years old! Where does the time go????? HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVIS!!! I am sad that he won’t really know who we are when Creedy and I get back. Don’t worry we will warm him up to his favorite aunt and uncle soon enough! ^^ I bore my testimony on fast sunday because I am grateful for the great plan of salvation that allows our families to live forever. I could not imagine life without my family. I am so grateful that I am able to share this happy message to others. I love you all soooooo much! Thank you so much for all that you do and for all of your support!
 Today we went in a cable car! It was sooo fun!
Yes, that is the people shirt and yes, i wore it for pday. ^^ We are on the cable car!
We had such a fun pday! So we went into a cable car to go on to a huge mountain and we went hiking everywhere. We didn’t expect that! It was so cloudy and misty that our hair got completely wet. We also went to some rocks that have ice all over it in the middle of the summer. It starts in march and ends near the end of summer but unfortunately because of the rain there was no ice at all. :/ but i want to go with our family. such a fun adventure!
It has been raining so much lately but it is soooooo hot! We sweat all day long even though it is raining. It is an adventure trying to make sure we have an outfit that will not show off our sweat too much. ^^ Is that too much information? Sorry. But welcome to humid and hot korea. ^^ Love it! You know, I love Korea. The people are just so wonderful and amazing here. Grandparents totally rule the world here. Sometimes they decide that their moter chairs are cars! Sometimes those things can go super fast! Who knew? I didn’t until I came to Korea. Sometimes you see people careening down the hill and around corners at full speed. So funny. I love it!
Beautiful part of Miryang
By the way. We got 2 new pamphlets and they are just for the Korea and Japan missions. We are testing them out to see how effective they are. We have used them once or twice so far and they went really well. One is about the missionaries and the other is about God.  I have to show you who is on it. You would never believe it. I will send pictures next week. When I opened the pamphlets I was sooooo surprised and told everyone who it was. So fun. It is someone that we all kind of grew up with. We all know this person. Derek knows him especially well. 🙂 well, i won’t tell until next week.
By the way there is a Less active family that the whole branch is working on the come back to church. Because of some things that have happened they struggle with coming to church but they love everything about the gospel and love all of the church members but they feel unworthy to come to church because of what happened. We are all in their lives. One of their sons is going to Utah for school. Perfect. And their daughter wants to go to BYU provo. Perfect as well. We know that the gospel is blessing their life and they are getting their. We have full faith they will. I want everyone to know that you are always worth the saviors atoning sacrifice. The sacrament has cleanising power. The atonement has cleansing power that can heal our souls. It is never too late to come back into the fold. You can always come back. Heavenly Father and the Savior are always waiting with their arms out stretched for you to come to them. Be willing toput out your hand to! You will be blessed more than you know as you do so.
I love being a missionary! I LOVE YOU ALL TONS!!!! Have a great week!
Love, Sister Orme

Week 19- “If ye love me, Keep my Commandments”

Hello Family and Friends!


There is so much that I want to say. It is crazy amazing to be here in 밀양 (Miryang). It is seriously sooooooooo small and so country. We only have about 25 active members in our branch. It is sooooooo small. I really didn’t understand how small it was until I went to church on sunday. Not all 25 come at once though, so it is even smaller. I absolutely love it though.

The Elders and us in Shinjeong


In front of our Church building in Shinkeong
황태숙 (Hwangtehsook) and Jordan! I love them!
The first Monday I got here, it rained so hard after we were emailing and some really nice people from the city hall let us borrow an umbrella. After emailing we went and met the Branch President and family and taught a lesson, we came home and there was no electricity! It was soo fun! It was sooo stormy out side and no power. what an adventure! Thank goodness dad taught me to always have a flashlight with me! So we planned in the dark with my flashlight and got ready for bed. we left the switches on so at around 11 or so the lights turned on. so scary. it woke us both up and surprised us so bad! we couldn’t stop laughing.
Our investigators in Shinjeong.
There are only about 2 buses here and so a 30 minute walk anywhere is really short for us. Sometimes we have to walk 30-50 minutes to get to an appointment.


This week was super fun! Seriously, I love being companions with Sister Johnson. She is hilarious!


This last Friday we went out with a member and we ate something interesting. Can anyone take a guess? I think I have finally experienced more of Korea’s culture……. We ate Dog Soup and Dog meat. It wasn’t bad. The dog meat is super fatty! So gross. So, I took off the fat and only ate the meat. The smell was really gross though and it sometimes tasted like this: imagine the smell of wet dog….Yep….that is how it smelled and how that fat tasted like. Super gross. What I did with the meat is I would put this really delicious bean past on it, put a piece of ginger and swish the meat around in this sauce. It actually would taste pretty good! But the soup was interesting. A lot of green things that tasted funny. Wasn’t sure what kind of veggie it was. Definitely seaweed and some other things. When I first started eating I didn’t realize how gross the fat was and one of the Korean elders asked in English if we had prayed for Spot. I totally gagged because I was trying to chew that fat but it wasn’t working and i started thinking about it too much. We were laughing so hard though. It was a fun experience! But I don’t want to eat it again. 🙂

Saying goodbye to Sister and President Gilbert.

Eating Dog! Waaahh!
My last weekend in Shinjeong we went to a wedding! So fun!
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After we ate with him we helped him out on his farm. He has about 6-8 horses, a small ankle biter dog, and a bear dog. He is HUGE!!! Seriously he is a bear. His name is the greatest though, it is Kahn. Totally fits him. We got to help him out and it was really fun. We had a blast! While the Elders and the member went and dropped off the horse extras we had to wash Kahn. Wow, it was so fun! First time ever eating a dog and also first time ever washing a dog. Our whole day was filled with dog. Now, when I see dogs all I can think is “We just ate your cousin.” I still can’t believe it happened but it was sooooo fun!


On Sunday we went and taught a less active but she is basically an investigator. She doesn’t know anything! She said that I looked like a doll and apparently Sister Johnson looks like Jesus on the front cover of the plan of salvation pamphlet. We about died.


This week, I was reading this talk in General Conference about  “If ye love me, keep my commandments”. I don’t have the article with me right now so I can’t remember the speaker…sorry… but I loved it! I think it is so simple. If you love Christ and Heavenly Father you will do what they say, if not you won’t. There is no middle ground, there is only one side or the other. I love how black and white it is. But it is soooo true! No one who truly loves Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ would completely deny them. Of course, we are human and we make mistakes but it is our mistakes that make us better and we get to experience the love of our Father in Heaven and Savior. “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” If we keep this simple saying in our heart, we will be able to get Christ into our hearts and expand it toward others.


I love being a missionary! I love Miryang! I can’t wait to show you around and to show you how pretty it is! I love the Lord and I know this is his work.


I LOVE YOU ALL! 살앙해요!!!!!


Love, Sister Orme 옴 자매