Tag Archive | Shinjong

Week 18! I moved to 밀양 (Miryang)

Hello Beloved Family and Friends!
Well, I have been transferred from dear 신정 (Shinjeong). I am going to miss that place soo much but I am sooooo excited for this place. It is suuuuuuuppppperrrrr country. there is nothing out here! I am so excited and a lot of miracles are happening here and I will just see what the Lord wants me to do. My new companion is Sister Johnson. She and I know each other very well because we were in the same Zone for a long time.
This week we were super busy meeting with people and saying our goodbyes. I really do love the people of Shinjeong and they love me back. They are so sweet and kind. They were showing me sooo much love these last 5 weeks. They know that despite not being super perfect with Korean, I work hard and try to show my spirit and love in other ways.
I spoke and it went really well. I will give a summary of my talk:
So, I talked about the importance of coming to church. I shared my experience about when I was living in Russia about how long it took to get to church every week. It takes 3 hours each way and we had to take several steps to get there. We walked 5 minutes to the bust stop, then we waited for the bus (sometimes the wait time was 20-30 minutes), then we took a 30 minute bus ride to the metro, then an hour metro ride, then when we got off we had to walk for about 20 minutes. Each step was a little harder for us to give up and go home. There would be no point and we would waist a lot of time. There is a lot of steps we take in our eternal progression and each one makes it harder to go back because we understand that part of the gospel. There is no point in ruining the progress we have already made. I told them that God is always on their side and is someone that can help us in our eternal progress. I shared Joshua 1:9 and bore my testimony of the gospel and how true it is. The spirit was soo strong in that room.
I want to tell the background of why I told this story. I actually wrote this talk for one person only. I received inspiration on what I would write and what to share. Unfortunately, that person didn’t show up at all. It hurt my heart that this person didn’t come especially since we told her everyday that i was writing the talk for her. But I do know one thing, that despite this person not coming, it helped out a lot of other people. Sometimes we have times that are really disapointing and really frustrating but there is always going to be someone who is blessed because of it. I know that as long as we keep our head up high and trust in the Lord, we or someone will ALWAYS be blessed. You may not see it now but there is always a purpose to everything.
I love the Lord and trust in the Lord. He is our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ is our Advocate. I cannot share all of the things that I have learned because you all won’t understand the change it has wrought in my heart but I do know that the Gospel is true 100%. We all have different experiences that no one will truly understand but we can understand how the gospel can bless us and bless the lives of others.
I am excited to see what adventures await me here in 밀양 Miryang, but I know it will be amazing.
Love, Sister Orme 옴 자매

Week 17…I think at least

Time flies sooo fast! This thursday we have transfer calls! We will see if I stay or if I go. I heard that the President Gilbert doesn’t want to change anything so then the new president and have a chance next transfer to change people around. So hopefully i stay! the Gilberts leave next week and next transfer we will have a new mission president. Crazy times! i am going to miss the gilberts but I am excited for the new people.
On the left is our Landlord’s daughter Kimoohhee and her Friend KangArem. Super cute girls! love them to death! We are on the top of our Billa (Apt building…a billa is a mini version of a big apt).
This week was super busy for us. We have soooo many people to teach now! it is great and we keep getting more! It is seriously a miracle. We are filling up too fast and we can’t take anymore! who would of thought!
This week while I was on enchanges another sister and I met a prophet! He was riding a motorcycle and almost ran us over because we couldn’t decide which way to go. I feel pretty special because he told us that he was a prophet and said that we should go somewhere else to teach. Yep, never leaving then! Super funny though, we died laughing talking about the experience.
I cut my hair and the lady did a great job!!!!!
Today we went to a meat buffet. DAD WOULD LOVE THESE PLACES!!!! ^^ we are totally going when we come back.
sorry this week will be short but i’ve sent pictures instead.
I LOVE YOU ALL!!! KEEP GOING!!!!!!! You are all the best. Remember Christ in your life! He is your best example and is always there for you! I love you and pray for you all constantly! You are all the best!
Sister Orme

Week 16- I am a Disciple of Christ

Hello Family and Friends!
This week was a very busy week! We have so many people we are teaching right now! It is crazy but a very big blessing. There is not really much to say because our new investigators are not really ready for very big things but we are teaching them the gospel little by little. It is great!
Something hilarious that happened this week was while we are teaching one of our new investigators. We were in our city hall at the top in an observatory where you can see the whole city if Shinjeong. All of a sudden a swarm of Nigerians attacked us! They kept asking to take pictures with us and sitting next to us. Sometime, well actually the whole time, sitting waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy to close and basically on me. ahh! It was intense. It is the closest I have ever gotten to feeling like a celebrity. Wow, I don’t like it. They were hilarious though! It felt like Sister Yokum and I were movie stars. It was crazy! The tour guide was hilairous! He spoke english and asked us if we could understand them at all and we could understand him better then the Nigerians! so funny. But he had to keep telling them that they had no time and needed to go. It was hilarious. Sister Yokum and I were exhausted. too much pressure! our investigator was laughing sooooo hard! It is normal to be stared at over here in korea and to be told you are beautiful but never have we ever experienced that! Koreans are too shy for that!
Sister Yokum’s health is basically improving. She definitely has to get her tonsils taken out but we are hoping and praying she will be able to last the rest of her mission. If she does have to get her tonsils taken out now she would just go home and end her mission. We are fasting and praying to see what the Lord wants for her. She doesn’t want to go home. She is amazing and such a good missionary! It would be terrible for her to leave about 2 transfers early! But we also don’t want to kill her.
Sunday I translated for the first time ever! Waaahh! I translated our gospel principles class for an american girl. I didn’t do too bad but also I kind of just added things to the lesson. ^^ I got a sense of what the teacher was saying and kind of just say what he says and then added to it. So, it went great! It was hard but it went well. Success for the week! Korean is getting easier and easier to understand but still some people and the way they talk is super hard! A lot of people have different ways of speaking and it can be hard to understand.
The ward members are amazing!!! They help me soo much with my Korean and they always speak to me even though they totally know I am still trying to understand. But what is amazing is that I am actually starting to understand them! I am seriously amazed. It is not me, it is the Lord! He is helping me so much! If I wasn’t a missionary I wouldn’t be able to learn and understand korean this fast!
3 Nephi 5:13 We recite this scripture every day in Korean. It is amazing what the Lord can do through us as disciples of Christ. Read it this week and apply it. Always remember that you are always a representative of the Lord, no matter what! Even though you may not have a missionary tag setting you apart as one, you totally are! Everyday walk like a representative of Christ! Share the gospel, it will not only bless other people’s lives but yours as well.
I LOVE YOU ALL TONS!!!! This gospel is so true and I love sharing it. Being a missionary is the best thing in the whole world!!!!!!
Love, Sister Orme

Week 15- Tonsilytis and 3 days and the Hospital

Hello EVERYONE!!! 안녕하새요!!!!
So, this week was an adventure. My companion had tonsilytis and an absyst on her tonsils. it was crazy! We had to stay in the hospital for 3 days. It wasnt too bad actually. I got to study a lot and recieved a lot of revelation while I was there. So that was a bonus. Sister Yokum is doing well. We do have to go back to the hospital on wednesday for a check up. Eventually she has to get her tonsils removed but we are trying to help her last until she leaves for home. She leaves in September so she doesn’t have much longer so we don’t want her to leave early. We are doing things more slowly she can rest more and heal better. We don’t want to her to live at the hospital for the rest of her mission. But all is good over here! We are both happy, healthy (well at least a lot better then last week for my companion), and whole!
There isn’t really much else to say for this week. We weren’t not able to do much because Sister Yokum was so sick but we have received a lot of new investigators and people to teach which is AWESOME and amazing!!
A lot of people have been asking about the 49 day fast! I wanted to explain it a little more.
Each companionship fasts for a day and all of the missioniaries everyday study in the morning and at night the thing that was assigned for that day. We have every day’s study plan set up for us already so all we have to do is open our scriptures or our PMG to whatever is needed. It is amazing and is working miracles in our whole mission!!!!
Sorry, I have to go but know that I love you all TONS!!! keep working your hardest! the LORD IS ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU! As you turn your hearts toward him and Christ will become more like him!
Love you!
Love, Sister Orme

Week 14- Crazy Awesome Week

Hello Family and Friends!!

This week has been amazing!! We have 7 new investigators and 4 new Potential investigators that will become investigators. I am not mentioning this to brag but to show you all what miracles we have been having this week. It has been absolutely crazy and we are so busy! We had to break up weekly planning because we had no time and we ran around sweaty and hot trying to make it on time for everything. it was nuts! but i love this work!

Sister Yokum is unfortunately super sick though! She has been such a trooper. We went to the hospital today and she has severe tonsilytis! Her throat is super swollen and she couldn’t really breath or swallow. kind of really scary! So we woke up and left for the hospital. we got there at around 6:30 she had an IV and an injection. then we had to go to an ENT hospital. She got 2 shots there and a ton of medicine! Korean hospitals are super quick, clean and efficient. She will get better in no time. she even feels better now, which is good.

I love Sister Yokum a lot and we have fun while everything around us goes crazy! But it all works out.

Heavenly Father has been blessing us sooo much this week! We are so grateful for how he has helped us to find these people and to actually have time to meet them. Trust me, THE LORD IS ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU WHEN YOU STRIVE TO BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE. I cannot talk about it enough about how much Heavenly Father loves us all. He wants us all to go back to him and live with him again. Never be discouraged when things don’t work out or someone rejects the gospel. It is your efforts that really are what the Lord is looking for. Ask him for guidance and help and he will do it in mysterious ways!
Love the Lord and trust in the Lord.

I love you all! You are all the best!!!!!!!

Love, Sister Orme

This is our less active Kimyooneh. This was our last lesson together with Sister Benbrook.

Sister Benbrook and I being goofy.

2 Elders and a Sister from my group that left the MTC together.

First time having Bapbeansoo! It is amazing!! It is a mixture of ice, milk, sweet beans, some ice cream, and whatever flavor you want so like fruit or oreos or cheesecake..anything and everything. so DELICIOUS!

Sister Yokum and I!

Week 13- A Week of Amazing Miracles

Hello Family and Friends!

So, I have not left Shinjeong (신정)! Sister Benbrook was transferred to Masan (마산). She is follow up training one of the Korean sisters that left with me and I am with Sister Benbrook’s MTC companion! Her name is Sister Yokum. She is 23 and from San Diego! She is great! Today is our first day together. I will send pictures next week of her and I. I will miss Sister Benbrook but I know that the Lord wants Sister Yokum to be with me now. I am excited to see what happens!

This week has been absolutely amazing! We have had a week full of miracles!

One of our investigator’s mom came home while we were about to leave. She asked us to stay and sit with her. At first we were a little nervous because we thought she was going to preach to us or something. But then we had the most amazing conversation in the whole world!! She thanked us over and over again for teaching her daughter. She wants her daughter to learn about Christ. She said we have the light of Christ in us and she can see it! This is the first time anyone has ever said that to us before! She recognized us as servants of the LORD!!!!! She spoke of Christ and bore her testimony of him and she got teary eyed about it. She is just amazing! We taught the whole restoration to her and she kept nodding her head during it. We spoke with power and the spirit. I shared the first vision and the spirit was so strong in the room. It was enveloping our whole being. I have never felt the spirit so strong during a lesson before. It was wonderful. She gave us her phone number and we invited her to church next Sunday and she totally wants to come. She said to just call her about it. We are hoping to teach her too. She said we can meet and I am soooo excited! She is just amazing! I can’t believe it. We wanted to ask her if she would get baptized but we felt like we should wait a little bit. We will see what happens! We are so happy and so excited!

What is also amazing is that our investigator’s mom was not the only person this week that recognized us as servants of the Lord. We were on the bus and this women started talking to us. She said we were so beautiful and had a light around us. The light of Christ was in our eyes. She thanked us for what we were doing and was grateful for what we were doing for the people of Korea. It was amazing to see that other people noticed our light. We gave her a pamphlet, unfortunately we didn’t get her number but she was totally reading the pamphlet about the restoration. I pray that woman calls us soon!!!! We met her on Saturday so hopefully something will happen in the next few days! I’m praying so hard it will happen.

This last week our district went Book of Mormon proselyting (전도). Sister Benbrook and I met this super amazing lady! She was soooo interested in our message and the Book of Mormon. We taught her the first lesson and gave her a BofM. She was so surprised that it was in Korean! She had heard of our church and of the BofM and was always curious about it. She is sooo golden. She is super solid in Christ as well. We testified of Christ to her and she agreed with everything. She said she has been waiting for something more and is trying the best she can to be a follower of Christ. We testified to her that this is what she needs and this will answer all of her questions and more. What is even more amazing is that she doesn’t live here. She is in another town called Heundae. I am not sure how to spell it in Korean or English, but we gave her number to those sisters there and she wants to meet to learn more. As she walked away from us she was reading the BofM. We talked to her for sooooo long! It was amazing.

The Busan Mission is seriously seeing miracles EVERYWHERE!!!! The mission is growing. We believe it is because our mission is doing a 49 day fast and it is working miracles! Our mission president might just extend it because it is helping so much! We started seeing the miracles when it started. It is so amazing to see how many miracles can occur when the mission strives to grow to together with one purpose in mind. It is amazing to see what prayer, fasting, diligence, reading, and serving do. It creates miracles!!!!!

Miracles are everywhere! They can be small or big but regardless they are a miracle. I invite you all to look for the miracles of everyday, regardless of what it is. You will start to see what Heavenly Father is blessing you with. Heavenly Father is the best!!!!!!

I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! I could not imagine being anywhere else. This gospel is the true gospel. There is no other way but through Christ. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our friend, and our Brother. He has done everything for us and we should do the same in the return.

The work is hastening. We can FEEL it. I feel it everyday! The Lord’s work is hastening and so is Satan. Do not let Satan become a part of your life. Choose Christ! He is the way and the truth. We can overcome all things through him. We can conquer all! Remember Helaman 5:12. I shared this last week, but I invite you all to apply this principle. Christ. He is our Redeemer and our Rock.

I LOVE YOU ALL TONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Sister Orme 옴 자매

Week 12- Happy Mother’s Day

Hello Family and friends!

It was so amazing to be able to talk to my family today! I love them dearly! Thank you to all the mothers and the soon-to-be mothers of the world! You are all the best! Remember to teach your children things of the eternities. The Stripling Warriors were not protected by their swords or their armor but by what their mother’s taught them!

At the ward mission leaders house!

I am super sad this week because it is the last week I have with my companion Sister Benbrook. She has been the greatest and we have learned so much from each other! I am so grateful for her and for what she has taught me. This week is the last week of training! Then I get follow up trained next transfer.

Mint chocolate milk, and mango banana milk. Yum!

I am sorry I don’t have much time but I want everyone to think about where their foundation is founded in. Think about it. What builds your foundation? Are those things solid or unstable? What makes them that way? Are they temporary or eternal? Your foundation’s strength depends on what you build it on. The most solid of foundations are always built on Christ! Read Helaman 5:12. Building a foundation of Christ will allow us to overcome anything!!!! Many people fall away because their foundation is set on temporal things. Christ is solid through and through. He is always there for you! LET CHRIST FILL YOUR LIVES!

Love, Sister Orme

Week 11: Jesus Christ has done everything for us!

Hello Dearest Family and Friends!

We have had quite a week. We had a big miracle by being able to meet our new converts family! We were heart attacking her house and her parents come out of the elevator. They stared at us and asked us who we were. And we said that we are their daughter’s friend and they soften. They invite us in and serve us tea and fruit. THEY LOVE US! They want us to come over often! Which is sooo exciting! They called Ohjeeyoon and had her and her fiance came over. She was so happy that we came over. She and her little brothers are members but her parents aren’t…yet! They are seriously the most cutest and sweetest people ever!!! They are going to get baptized I know it!

Unfortunately, I only have 2 weeks left with Sister Benbrook. We are sooooooo depressed and sad about it!!! She is the best companion in the whole world and we have become the best of friends. We get along super well and we are so in tune with each other. We think about the same things in lessons, or when we are doing everything and anything! It is seriously amazing!!! We were meant to be together. Because training will be over one of us has to leave. We don’t want to leave Shinjeong (신정) at all. WE LOVE IT SO MUCH! The people we teach, our ward, the area, everything about it.

We got a new investigator this week!!!!! She is very interested. She has so many questions and we have already met with her 2 times! She doesn’t understand Christ and wants to see why we are different. There are sooooo many churches here. It is insane! She brought a friend with her and he is a teacher of her religion. She believes in Yin and Yang, elements, the earth, etc. Not really sure what it is. During our lesson with them we just listened to the spirit and we taught her two lessons and taught every principle in each basically. We answered her questions by scripture, pure testimony, and experience. She didn’t have anything to say to us. I think she is really seeing that we know what we are talking about. Her friend was totally not open or into it whatsoever. He talked about his religion with us and then he basically called us naive and that we didn’t know anything. We just listened to him and thanked him for what he said. We felt awesome! Humility is seriously the best. He didn’t know how to answer our thanks. We laughed about it and we felt so good that we just sat there and listened to him and thanked him for his comments. The Lord really taught us that day to listen to the spirit.

Sister Benbrook and I are working on being consecrated missionaries. We have an article that the mission President gave the whole mission before I got here and I got a copy from her. It talks about so many good things. It talks about putting things on the alter of sacrifice. A consecrated missionary holds nothing back. They submit their full will to God. They submit everything to Him. They put on the alter of sacrifice disobedience, fears, romantic passions, pride, negativism and sarcasm, and they are extra-milers! Consecrated missionaries serve the Savior because they love Him. One of the things that really stood out to me was pride. There was a story in there talking about a mission president observing a lesson with some of his Elders. They were teaching a 17 year old boy who wanted to be baptized. His mother was chewing them out. They humbly replied that they were just trying to do what was best for her son and if they weren’t they apologized for it. Their humble responses softened her heart and she started listening to what her son was learning from them. When I read this I was reminded of our experience with our new investigators friend. It is all about losing that pride and just humbly replying back with warmth and love. There is no point in arguing back because it will just incite them to say more. I feel like our humble thanking for what he said kind of made him realize that we were not preaching and trying to force our beliefs on people. We are just teaching what we know and what we believe. We are never going to convince the world of our true message with pride and shouting “REPENT!”. It is the quiet, simple, and humble testimony that we share that brings power. Heavenly Father taught us a lesson that day. Listening is key. We will have the spirit with us to guide us and to also help us know how to reply. How to remain calm. And also how to bear testimony with power. Heavenly Father is so amazing! He reminds us of what we do right and also helps recognize what we need to work on. I know I have a lot of work and sometimes it seems overwhelming but Heavenly Father is helping me also understand that I am learning and growing already.

I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK!!!!! It is seriously the best thing in the whole world.

I GET TO SKYPE YOU IN A WEEKKK!!!! Ahh! I am so excited!

I love you ALL dearly and I am praying for you all often!!!!

Love, Sister Orme

Week of Miracles (Week 2 in Korea!)

Hello Family and Friends!!

I LOVE KOREA!!!!! Every day I am so happy and grateful to be here. I still can’t believe and I just love it sooooo much already and I haven’t even been here 2 weeks yet! I love it, I love it, I love it! Missionary work is so fantastic and brings so much joy to me and my companion. we get soooo excited because the Lord has helped us and guided us. He has helped us with so man opportunities to do service and to guide people. He is the greatest! I feel his love everyday! I feel the love for these people everyday. They are so cute and are just the greatest. They are sooo kind!

I love Korea!

The koreans make cabbage be their greenery during the winter.

Fun pictures from the beach.

So, the first few days here in Korea we received alot of training and kind of just getting to know our mission rules and standards. We had a wonderful  전도 activity (Proselyting). It was a blast!!! Everyone was freaking out about my hair and my korean. We would be with a different companion every 20 minutes. President and Sister Gilbert were watching us to see how we got along. My companions were really surprised about my Korean, which I was surprised about. I am just glad that I can preach the gospel and say what I want. My teachers,  이 자매님 (Sister Lee) and Sagers 자매님 (Sister Sagers), prepared us soooo well! Also, Heavenly Father is always on our side! Which helps a ton! Then of course, we got to meet our real companion, which is Sister Benbrook. I already mentioned that but I do gotta say. I LOVE HER SOOOO MUCH! We are so meant to be together and we know why. We are both going to make so many changes here in 신정 Shinjong (this is our area) and the city we are in is 울산 Ulsan. It is soo great! I am so happy to be here. The members are so wonderful and they work so hard to help friends come to church, and less actives to become reactiviated. They are amazing!!!

We have a cute little 30 year old Korean girl that will be baptized this month on the 23rd! Her name is 오지윤 (Ohjiyoon). She is the greatest! Her brother is going to BYU-Provo and he is LDS. He has been encouraging her to join the church, which is fantastic! We are so happy and excited for her. She is so eager and wanting to learn more about our church. She wants to get baptized soooo bad!

Last pday we found some beautiful korean dishes in a ditch. They were absolutely nasty but we couldn’t resist the temptation of taking them and cleaning them up. I will be sharing pictures. It sounds ridiculous but it was a blast!!! We will have such good memories about them when we come back. Haha. We passed by it and I said it as a joke that we should take the dishes and clean them up. Then Sister Benbrook said we should totally do it and then I agreed. So, that is how things happened. I can’t believe we did but it was soooo much fun! hahaha. Afterwards, we went to a beautiful beach! It was gorgeous! I will send pictures. We went with our investigator and we had to hand her off to some other sister missionaries because they are whitewashing her area. It was sad to hand her off but we can’t teach her anymore because she is not in our area. The new sisters bonded really well with her and we are so happy about that. She is making sooo much progress!

Us picking up the bowls from a ditch.


The beautiful beach we visited.


This last week we got a really random, but not of course, call from a less active. She hasn’t been coming to church for a while so we were really happy to hear from her. She said she had a really bad day and needed a message from us. We were happy to do it. I felt really inspired to share a sentence from PMG and then also Joshua 1:9. I am so happy we shared those things because that is exactly what she needed to hear. The paragraph in the PMG talks about repentence and being able to feel peace. It also mentions that no matter what the Lord is with us but we have to do what he wants us to do to receive blessings. She needed that really bad. I love Heavenly Father and what he does to make us his hands. We are so blessed! We set up to meet with her but she got terribly sick. We will be meeting with her soon.

We have another investigator and her son, 황태숙 (Hwangtaysook) and her son we call him Jordan, and they have progressed just in the last two times we have met! They have been meeting with the missionaries since December and they are progressing more then ever. Jordan prays by himself occasionally and he loves learning about Jesus. He has sooo many questions. He is only 9 years old and speaks English super well. We are teaching his mom as well and she speaks well too. She prays all the time and reads the Book of Mormon. Jordan reads the little BofM story book. They are so great! We are super excited about them.

This last week, we met with a less active sister 김윤애 (kimyooneh). She is trying to stop drinking coffee. We met with her tuesday and challenged her to not drink any coffee at all from now on and also fast with us on saturday. We texted her 3 times a day to give her encouragement so she would be able to resist the temptation. We even were going to take her coffee away but her husband drinks it. We believe in her and know she can do it. She speaks English super well as well. Oh, BTW So many people speak English here! It is crazy. She hasn’t contacted us since so we don’t know what is going on but we pray for her daily. She is going to do it! We believe it! We meet her on tuesday so we will be able to catch up with her.

This last friday we had a Mission Tour. It was sooooooooooooo amazing!!!!!!! Elder and Sister Ringwood came and spoke to us. Everything they said was exactly what Sister Benbrook and I needed. We have a ton of Less actives in this area and we are trying to figure out what we can do about that. Our Branch is basically a ward but because there are so many less actives, it isn’t one yet. They only need a few more people to get a new building, be an official ward, and also become a stake. We are working so hard and know that Heavenly Father is blessing us so much.

So, last week most of our appointments dropped. Which was sad but not. We were able to get so many records organized, calls to the ward members, and figuring out who the lest actives are. Heavenly Father is giving us this time to find the less actives. We don’t have a lot of investigators anymore but we know exactly why. We are not bringing more people into the gospel at this moment but we are reviving the area. We were both sent here to do this work because Heavenly Father trusts the both of us to do. We  are excited and we are so grateful for the time that we have so we can meet less actives. Please pray for us to have success with the less actives. We are going to change this place and Heavenly Father knows we can do it! The Ringwoods taught us so much and we are so excited to apply it in our work. We are expecting miracles and they are going to happen! We believe it with every fiber of our being!

Last night, some sisters called us from another area with very, very exciting news. They tested out this idea that Sister Benbrook had a little bit ago. They had a sticker board with questions from the soul (they labeled it Questions of the heart because it is hard to describe soul in korean). People would put stickers where they had questions, then they would have to fill out a questionarre. Some of the questions were like, if you had an opportunity to figure your question now would you want to hear it, and stuff like that. Then we would use the Bof M to answer those questions right then and there. Guess how many BofMs they gave out in about 2 hours?…………………………..they gave out 46 BofMs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! isn’t that absolutely amazing?????? The sticker board is what first attracts them. One thing you got to know about Koreans is that they love using stickers and it works. We are going to do this as well. We are so pumped and cannot wait to do it. Please pray for us as well for success. We know it will work and we will plant seeds in peoples hearts and will bring many more into the gospel. Seriously, Heavenly Father is blessing us soooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

I am so grateful for this gospel and I know Heavenly Father is providing a way for us to expound and move forward his work. We see miracles all the time. Many have been small but huge in our eyes. Heavenly Father knows what we are capable of. With him nothing is impossble!! Nothing! I have seen first hand, everyday even. I love the gospel. I love being a MISSIONARY! I know this is what I am supposed to be doing and I know this is exactly where I am supposed to be. We have a lot of work ahead of us but it isn’t daunting at all. There is always a way and Heavenly Father is going to provide it. I’m speaking to all missionaries in the field or member missionaries: NEVER EVER lose your faith or hope. Heavenly Father is always there for us! We can DO ANYTHING if we trust in him. Trust in yourself and trust that Heavenly Father is going to use you. Take that extra mile. Do and Follow. You will bless so many lives! I believe in all of you and I am praying for you all.

Also, the Ringwoods and our mission are really working for ward missionary work. It works and it is something that needs to be pushed. Every member is a missionary. We are commanded to share the gospel. Heavenly Father will bless us so much if we just put our foot out and the door and find those less actives or share the gospel with people we know. You will be blessed. Help the missionaries out as well, they need your help and can help you so much with your missionary work.

You are all fantastic! You are all amazing and doing such a wonderful job!


Love, Orme자매
Sister Orme