Tag Archive | spirit

Week 52- The Holy Ghost

Hello Amazing and Wonderful Family and Friends-
The weather is soooo beautiful this week. The sun is shining, it is warm and wonderful. The breeze is light and cool. I LOVE IT! I love being a missionary and I love this gospel so much. I know it is true and brings all people happiness.
I love serving the people of Korea and serving on Jeju. I love my companion. She is great and we work hard together. I know this last transfer will be wonderful!
My recent convert from Shinjeong!
We went to the trick art museum!
Today this week in our meetings we talked about Relying on the Spirit and how we can receive conversion through the holy ghost. I love this topic because this is how we can truly feel God’s love for us, understand more of the how the gospel and book of d you can receive revelation. The feelings of the Holy Ghost are indescribable and always different, but it is always a good and happy feeling when truth is manifested. I love how the Holy Ghost can guide us in our daily lives and help us become better.
We tried taking a picture on the bus but it didn’t work and the elders weren’t paying attention.
Almost got sucked down the “cave of despair” (name that movie!)
I have felt the holy ghost so much. I feel it everyday. It leads us in our studies and in our work. It helps us know what we need to do to help people. The Holy Ghost can be our best friend and comforter if we let it. I have never felt God’s love more and the truth of the gospel more in my life. I feel the peace and comfort it gives me. It has also given me warnings to. It is a blessing and a gift that Heavenly Father loves us because we are his children and he wants us to be given a way to guide and direct us.
I made friends with a Zebra!
The lady bugs started taking me to their lair
Sorry I have to cut it short because I don’t have a lot of time. But I do know this gospel is true and that it will change your life forever. It has changed mine and it continues to change mine. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this amazing message to the people around me. I see miracles every day and I am grateful for the Lord and how he continues to shower me with blessings everyday. I am very blessed.
I hope you call can learn to recognize the spirit better, remain worthy, and recognize how you can apply the gospel more into your life.
LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Sister Orme
For some reason while I was writing my letter to President Barrow  I kept feeling I needed to include it in my letter this week. As a missionary, I have learned to follow that feeling. Here it is:
Hello President Barrow!

I am still trying to figure out why I am serving with Sister Choi but I think I will figure it out this week. We have so much fun together and we work hard!

It is interesting how old the Jeju side of Jeju is and Seokwipo has a lot of young missionaries. We will figure out why about that as well. I think Elder Carter and I have been given a really great blessing and privilege to work with people that have served for a long time. I love new missionaries but old missionaries are awesome as well. We are planning on working even harder together than we did last week. I am excited to see us step up more now that we have figured kind of how to work better with each other. I know the Lord put us together for a reason and I am really happy.

I am doing well and doing fine in all aspects. I love Sister Choi!! She is amazing. It is a wonderful opportunity to serve with my same group.

I am a little sad though because my last day keeps looming closer and closer and i don’t like it one bit but I know it is okay. I know that as long as I keep working hard/harder then the Lord will bless me.

I am so grateful for you and sister barrow, and ben! You are wonderful and help us out so much. thank you for the newsletter. I read it once and it was during sacrament meeting! i loved it! I will actually be reading it again and making notes. The sacrament is a special and sacred covenant. I am grateful for the lord and how we can be able to become better through him. Heavenly Father is the greatest and knows exactly what we need and how we can receive help to be able to learn and grow. He is teaching me so much and I am learning so much. This time is precious and I am so grateful for how I have spent it. I could not have asked for a better opportunity than to serve the Lord whole Heartedly.

Thank you again for all you do for us missionaries! You do not know how profound your impact is and has been on all of us. I am truly grateful for the Lord and all that he has given me. I know he loves me and I know that the reason I serve is because I know that and love him. I love Korea and cannot believe how amazing Heavenly Father has been to me to give me this opportunity to serve these people and to serve with the other missionaries as well. The blessings are above and beyond counting. I can never return as much as He gives but I know that as I give my all, that is enough. I am so happy and have never been more happy. I wish I could do missionary work, like this, forever. I will forever and always be indebted to Him.

Thank you so much! Love you and have a wonderful week!

Week 23- Record Finding

Hello Dearest Family and Friends!
This week was a good week. We found some old records at the church of people the missionaries use to teach. People that had baptismal dates but for some weird reason stopped. We saw these records as gold! We called all of them. Some of them want to meet! We are sooooo excited. We met with one of them this week. She has known the missionaries for about 10 years or so and she is 30 years old. We are so excited and we are meeting again this week. She is excited to meet with us to. Never underestimate old records. What is even more amazing is she has just returned a few months ago from living in Seoul for a long time. She asked us how we knew and we said we were just as surprised as her and now we are meeting. I will keep you updated on her. She is awesome and I feel like we can really help her. I believe this is the time for her to really fully grasp the gospel.
Also we had two lessons on Sunday that were amazing. We did not teach at all what we had planned. The first lesson we planned on talking about the restoration and then we ended up talking about faith instead. This young women really wants to understand and learn. We talked about how faith can help her understand the gospel and learn what it means for her. We both bore powerful testimonies and she wants to meet again. She is so cute and I know the gospel will bless her life.
Our next lesson was later that day. With a less active mom and her investigator daughter. We were planning on finishing the plan of salvation by talking about the atonement. they didn’t do their commitment, then I felt like we needed to ask them why we give them commitments. Wow, what a powerful lesson. Sister Johnson and I were able to share our whole souls with them. I felt inspired to share them my own story of the book of mormon and how I came to know it was true. We promised them that when they start reading and following our commitments they will see  a difference. The spirit was so strong and i was crying so much. They were listening so intently. They felt our sincerity. They don’t have a lot of time but I promised them that if they made time to do what the Lord wanted, they will have time for everything. We told them how precious this book was before them and said that only good will ever come out of it. It was soooo powerful and completely led by the spirit. I know the Lord helped us know what we needed to say and how we should say it. We recommited them to read and they said they would, with a strong, firm yes. I hope they will think about what we shared and apply it.
I know this gospel is true. I am so grateful to be a missionary. I am so grateful for this gospel. I love Korea and it’s people. I could not imagine being anywhere else. God has been really blessing me. I am trying to repay him but I know I never can. But I do know that God notices our efforts and that is enough for him. Never let your life be stained with iniquity or negativity, It will only bring you down. The Lord always uplifts and carries. Satan only hardens and brings you down. Which one would you rather have? I choose God. I know He is always there for us. I know He cares and loves us. He wants us to live with him again. Read the April Priesthood Session talk  by Elder Donald L. Hallstrom “What manner of Men?”. It is addressed to the men but there is something in there for everyone. What manner of man/woman are you? Who are you and what is your potential? We are God’s Children. As we strive to become what Heavenly Father wants us to become we will see our potential and our greatness. We will see our strengths and our weaknesses but God will make your weakness become strengths.
I love you all so much! You are all the best!
Love, Sister Orme

Week 13- A Week of Amazing Miracles

Hello Family and Friends!

So, I have not left Shinjeong (신정)! Sister Benbrook was transferred to Masan (마산). She is follow up training one of the Korean sisters that left with me and I am with Sister Benbrook’s MTC companion! Her name is Sister Yokum. She is 23 and from San Diego! She is great! Today is our first day together. I will send pictures next week of her and I. I will miss Sister Benbrook but I know that the Lord wants Sister Yokum to be with me now. I am excited to see what happens!

This week has been absolutely amazing! We have had a week full of miracles!

One of our investigator’s mom came home while we were about to leave. She asked us to stay and sit with her. At first we were a little nervous because we thought she was going to preach to us or something. But then we had the most amazing conversation in the whole world!! She thanked us over and over again for teaching her daughter. She wants her daughter to learn about Christ. She said we have the light of Christ in us and she can see it! This is the first time anyone has ever said that to us before! She recognized us as servants of the LORD!!!!! She spoke of Christ and bore her testimony of him and she got teary eyed about it. She is just amazing! We taught the whole restoration to her and she kept nodding her head during it. We spoke with power and the spirit. I shared the first vision and the spirit was so strong in the room. It was enveloping our whole being. I have never felt the spirit so strong during a lesson before. It was wonderful. She gave us her phone number and we invited her to church next Sunday and she totally wants to come. She said to just call her about it. We are hoping to teach her too. She said we can meet and I am soooo excited! She is just amazing! I can’t believe it. We wanted to ask her if she would get baptized but we felt like we should wait a little bit. We will see what happens! We are so happy and so excited!

What is also amazing is that our investigator’s mom was not the only person this week that recognized us as servants of the Lord. We were on the bus and this women started talking to us. She said we were so beautiful and had a light around us. The light of Christ was in our eyes. She thanked us for what we were doing and was grateful for what we were doing for the people of Korea. It was amazing to see that other people noticed our light. We gave her a pamphlet, unfortunately we didn’t get her number but she was totally reading the pamphlet about the restoration. I pray that woman calls us soon!!!! We met her on Saturday so hopefully something will happen in the next few days! I’m praying so hard it will happen.

This last week our district went Book of Mormon proselyting (전도). Sister Benbrook and I met this super amazing lady! She was soooo interested in our message and the Book of Mormon. We taught her the first lesson and gave her a BofM. She was so surprised that it was in Korean! She had heard of our church and of the BofM and was always curious about it. She is sooo golden. She is super solid in Christ as well. We testified of Christ to her and she agreed with everything. She said she has been waiting for something more and is trying the best she can to be a follower of Christ. We testified to her that this is what she needs and this will answer all of her questions and more. What is even more amazing is that she doesn’t live here. She is in another town called Heundae. I am not sure how to spell it in Korean or English, but we gave her number to those sisters there and she wants to meet to learn more. As she walked away from us she was reading the BofM. We talked to her for sooooo long! It was amazing.

The Busan Mission is seriously seeing miracles EVERYWHERE!!!! The mission is growing. We believe it is because our mission is doing a 49 day fast and it is working miracles! Our mission president might just extend it because it is helping so much! We started seeing the miracles when it started. It is so amazing to see how many miracles can occur when the mission strives to grow to together with one purpose in mind. It is amazing to see what prayer, fasting, diligence, reading, and serving do. It creates miracles!!!!!

Miracles are everywhere! They can be small or big but regardless they are a miracle. I invite you all to look for the miracles of everyday, regardless of what it is. You will start to see what Heavenly Father is blessing you with. Heavenly Father is the best!!!!!!

I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! I could not imagine being anywhere else. This gospel is the true gospel. There is no other way but through Christ. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our friend, and our Brother. He has done everything for us and we should do the same in the return.

The work is hastening. We can FEEL it. I feel it everyday! The Lord’s work is hastening and so is Satan. Do not let Satan become a part of your life. Choose Christ! He is the way and the truth. We can overcome all things through him. We can conquer all! Remember Helaman 5:12. I shared this last week, but I invite you all to apply this principle. Christ. He is our Redeemer and our Rock.

I LOVE YOU ALL TONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Sister Orme 옴 자매


I seriously LOVE being a missionary. It can be soo hard but it is so rewarding at the same time. I have come to realize that we must not focus on everything at once, that is where you get too overwhelmed. I have learned to look at things little by little. Sometimes you want to baptize the whole world but you can only do that as you save one soul at a time. That is how Jesus Christ works. He saves a soul one by one. Yesterday was a momentous occasion for 울산 (Ulsan). We had TWO fantastic people take steps into the waters of baptism. One was our investigator 오지윤 (Ohjeeyoon) and the Elders investigator 백송민 (Peksongmeen) He is 17 or 18! Wow, the craziest but most amazing day of our life! The spirit was bursting at this baptism. I am soooooo happy! I still can’t believe it either. I can’t believe that they are baptized. It is amazing! I am sending pictures! This week was definietly crazy but it all worked out! Heavenly Father has been blessing us sooooooooooooooooo much!!!
Baptism again!
So, I am answering mom’s questions and I thought everyone would want to know.
Korea is a very beautiful place but can also be dirty. Which is fine. I LOVE KOREA! the streets, the shops and places remind me of russia. Old grandmas sell food on the streets and there are a lot of street markets.
I will conquer the world!
Cool buildings!
Heart attacking a members door
Everytime we pass koreans they always say: SOOO BEAUTIFUL! hahah in korean of course. it is hilarious and we love it. I am going to miss it so much when I leave korea. I am going to miss the grandmas calling us beautiful and the korean people freaking out when they see us all the time. haha.
There are a not a lot of foreigners here but when there are we try to avoid them. hahaha. for some reason they weird us out. most of time we have had really bad feelings when we are with them so we try to avoid them because they are always scary….well not all the time but sometimes we wouldn’t have feelings around them. but we say hi to them and that is that, they are not super interested in us. one time a girl and a guy came up to us and we talked to them for two seconds. the boy seemed interested in what we were talking about but once the girl found out we were missionaries she said bye. haha.
Me and my group that left from the MTC. We met at training meeting.
koreans like hello kitty and cute things. i love it! hahah sometimes you will see men wearing and using really girly things but it is completely normal here. i love it! hahah
i have not felt anyones enmity to japan or of any place. the young koreans actually really like the japanese style. a lot of chinese and japanese people come here.
Jordan is doing great! he and his mom didn’t progress super well this week but we will bring them back on track.
We walk, ride buses or take the occasional taxi to go places. I love it!!! you get to see the city and you get to meet people. i am so grateful we don’t ride bikes or have a car so we can be able to contact people.
Kyongjyoo the buddhist temple there
In the arch at kyongjoo
I cannot stay away from the night shades because in every single meal basically the only thing that doesn’t have it, is a seaweed salad, the rice or sometimes they have cabbage sald. Heavenly Father has been blessing me with staying healthy from it. When we are at home we eat very well and keep away from it. It is very rude to not eat the food they give you so I eat it. I have been totally fine! ^^ I get tired but we are so busy that only by the end of the day does it really help me. I pray all the time to the Lord about it. I am praying for Creed too. Pray for it creed!
Yes, the competition is really bad. Kids stay in school all day and waaaay late into the night. sometimes they dn’t get home until 11:30 or 12 at night. apparantly the suicide rate is really high here becuase there is so much competition. i hope it gets better. It is because korea is soooo small but so many people live here. We are normally feeding ourselves. But sometimes we will have a 식사 (Shiksa-Food appointment) with members. It is always awesome! We have been fed a lot which is actually surprising cause normally they don’t feed you as much. But they always feed us tons of food and it is hard becuase you want to please them so you have to eat a ton. we basically don’t eat at all besides at that time. I am happy they are not too frequent.
I am soooooo happy for Brian! Please tell him that I am so happy for him. I know his life is going to be very blessed as he pursues the gospel. There is nothing that is better or more perfect. Heavenly Father loves him and I love him too. We are so blessed to have him in our lives. I am so happy that he is taking these steps. These are the most important but I know as he does so his life will be 10 times better. It will bless his life forever. You are the best St. Brian!!!!!!
I am sooo excited for JONNY!!!! Congratulations on your mission call!!! That is awesome!! I will write you! ^^
Look who I found? this is going to be on a members fridge. Cousin Jonny!
It is completely safe to send stuff! No problems like Creed. Sorry Creed!
Ok, so everyone is asking about my birthday. It was really great!!! So far we have been fed 3 cakes. Hahaha and people keep wanting to do things for me. It kind of felt like any other day but it was still fun! Mom, thank you for the necklace and the bracelet!!! I love them both. I have been wearing them to! Love you!! So all in all it was great!
I love love love missionary work. It is seriously the most greatest thing ever!!! Wow, i love it a lot. I am so happy and I am doing super well. It has not been hard at all for me to adjust to missionary life. Heavenly Father is really blessing me and my companion. We feel his love and blessings everyday. It is all about obedience, reading your scriptures, praying, going to church, and keeping the commandments. Through those things Heavenly Father blesses us immenseley.
Love, 옴 자매
Sister Orme

4 days till Blast off!

Hello Everyone! I can’t believe it but I have only 4 more days until I leave for Korea. WAHH????!!! I can’t believe it at all! it is crazy to be. I have had an amazing time at the MTC and will always remember and cherish the memories and what I have learned here. It could not have been better. I am ready for Korea and I am excited to go!

me and my new companions! BTW SISTER STASTY IS AWESOME!
One last pic with THE FIRST AWESOME COMPANION, SISTER HOFFMAN! with our korea shirts.
Mine and Creed’s last picture together. Love him!
Here are my flight plans: Leave Feb 24 for the SLC airport at 11:06 AM for Seattle, WA (!!!!!), arrive in Seattle at 12:20 PM and leave at1:10 pm (this is where I can talk to family…so let’s set up a conference call..i would love to hear dad/mom and all the sibs if possible), then we arrive in Tokyo at 4:55 PM on the 25th of Feb, then fly from Tokyo at 6:25 to Busan and we arrive at 8:55.
Woooooohh! It’a going to be a super loooooong trip!
I just want to thank everyone for the love and support you all give me. I have felt the prayers and know I am ready to serve in Korea.
Well, I don’t have much time but I will share my thoughts of the last few days from my journal. It has been such a spectacular week…You will know why….
Here is my Journal Entry:
Butterfield, Watson, and I had a really good lesson with Choi Chamanim. We talked about the law of chastity and tithing. She didn’t have trouble with the law of chastity but she did with tithing. During that lesson it was about 10 minutes of chastity and 50 minutes tithing. Even most of the lesson on tithing was silence. We waited for the spirit to teach. The spirit was so strong in that room. Choi Chamanim even cried and gave a super sincere prayer during the lesson. She didn’t want to at first but then Watson Chagnonim persisted. We felt really good about that lesson. Afterwards, we asked Sister Sagers if she heard about the lesson. She said she did and that Sister Lee told her we were ready for the field and are prepared to teach with real power. Wow, I really appreciated that because I felt a little inadequate to go to Korea.

Me and a native

The cute korean elders

Of course the classic riding missionaries.

Another lesson we had yesterday was a practice lesson using all of the fundamentals. Hence, all 5 of us: Elder Shields, Elder Leftwich, Elder Butterfield, Elder Watson, and I Had to teach one person. Sister Sagers was an investigator by the name of Sister Oh. Our first lesson didn’t go well because we were all crazy so we started over. The second lesson was powerful! The spirit was really strong as well. Afterwards, Sister Sagers told us that was amazing and that she is so happy because she now knows for herself that we are ready. We got to know the investigator and we asked inspired questions. We asked questions that really pertained to her which made it powerful. I really needed those lessons because it really confirmed to me that no matter how inadequate I feel, the Lord knows me and trusts in me. I know that if i try my hardest, the Lord will guide me, strengthen me, and will fill in any gaps that I lack. I know the Lord is with me no matter where i go. I know he loves me. I know he is preparing me to teach certain people. Sister Lee told me the other day to treat everyone as if you were friends in the pre-mortal life and you promised to find them. You promised that you would help them find the gospel and come back to him. I am excited for that. I know it is true. I also promised to the Lord that I will give my full self to him to be the best tool i can be. We are all here for a reason and I know that i am supposed to be here, right now, being prepared to leave for Korea. we have 4 more days and I will give it my all. I am very grateful for this MTC experience because i have learned so much more than I could of anywhere else. I know I have changed, for the better, since being here. I know there is still more to change and I am excited for that.
I am seriously so excited and feel so ready to teach in Korea. I know that if I have the spirit with me, I will be able to bless the lives of others. I can’t wait!!!!
I love you all so much!!!!! I love this gospel and know that is true with all my heart and soul. Be missionaries yourselves! Share what you love! You will be blessed for it. Trust me. With the Lord, NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE. He makes YOU POSSIBLE.
Love, Sister Orme
p.s. my next email will be from KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^    <—Korean happy face

Life is Grand!

This week has been fantastic! I can’t tell you how much I love the MTC.

We have 33 new missionaries this week! And then 12 more come next week. 11 left this week for Korea :(. It is sad but i am happy for them. It is soooo great! Our branch is growing!

So, Butterfield, Watson, and I were teaching our investigator about the atonement this week and it went so well. We decided to focus more on the spirit and listening to it to see what we need to tell our investigator so she could feel the spirit. Wow, it was powerful. The spirit was so strong that I started crying really hard. I was giving the baptismal invite and could not give it without crying. The spirit confirmed to me that what I was saying was true and I am so excited to share this message to real investigators. The gospel is such a blessing. As I gave the baptismal invitation, I felt the power of our message and also the power of baptism. It is going to make so many people happy. Our teacher told me that the lesson was amazing and we did such a good job! She is not allowed to give us feedback at all. I am glad she was able to confirm that we were at least doing something right. The gospel is true!!!! I am so happy that we get to share to the people of Korea!

On Sunday we had the privilege of listening to President Lindahl. He is the District President. He made me so pumped and excited to be a missionary. We have so much power as we are called to be disciples of Christ. We have so much power as we use our faith to help others, heal others, and guide others to Christ. What an amazing calling to devote ourselves completely to the Lord. What a privilege. He had some missionaries have visions of angels. What the what?? What a confirmation. He also shared with me, personally, that the sisters had the power of faith. He said that he couldn’t say this over the pulpit. He said that when the Elders didn’t have enough faith to heal someone, the sisters would be sent to heal people and they would be healed completely whole because of their faith. He said sisters have so much faith and can produce a lot of spiritual power because of it. Wow, what an amazing story. What amazing missionaries he had! They know what’s up.

I recommend everyone listen to the devotional given by Elder Bednar about “Character of Christ”. It is amazing!!!!! Wow, he is just amazing. I could listen to him all day and forever and be happy. Of course the other apostles/presidents are awesome and wonderful as well. He is just on my mind a lot lately.

The reason he has been on my mind is because he gave us another visit on Tuesday!! So we have been able to listen to him live twice! Once for xmas, and this last Tuesday. For xmas he did a questionnaire and he did the same on tuesday. He wanted to answer the other questions as well. So the thoughts are jumbled. Some great points from the devotional were:
-Faith and belief are two different things. Faith is active, belief is passive.
-Fear is the absence of action.
-Every missionary deserves a good companion.
-Heavenly Father gives us hard things because he trusts us enough to get out of them, he is preparing us for the eternities.
-The priesthood is not male. Men were just given the responsibility.
-The gift of tongues is a spiritual gift. You will only receive a spiritual gift if God trusts you to use it for others, you will never receive it if you want it so you can have it, it will come through you as you bless others.

He said that if others pray for you to have the gift of tongues we will receive it. I know you all pray for Creed and I already but if you could pray for us to have the gift of tongues that would be wonderful. As we receive this gift we can speak to others in a way that will help them to receive the gospel. You are all the best!!!

I love you all tons!! I hope you enjoyed the pics!

Love, Orme Chamay

The Sisters! From me: Sister Hoffman, Bagley, and Glauser. i live with these sisters and they are the best!

Walking from the Temple. First time in the MTC!

Elder Park is leaving tomorrow. 😦 well he left jan 6th

Butterfield, Watson and I

Sister Hoffman and I

From the Left: Elder Park, Sheilds, Kahng, Butterfield, Me, Leftwich, and Watson. Elder Park was advanced because he is Korean. He is serving in Anaheim.

Sister Orme!

Some People from my District.

We like to be Arabian. Sister Hoffman and I.

Sometimes I am Arabian in my Room

From the back: Butterfield and Watson. They are so great.

Some girls from my district. Sister Hoffman is next to me.

“I am grateful that my companions are dead”

Hello Family and Friends!

Yep, I said “I am grateful that my companions are dead” in a prayer with our investigator. Hahah. Our investigator becomes our teacher and we asked her if there was anything funny that we had said to her and she told us the only one was me and that is what I said. Well, I am grateful that my companions are alive and well.

1. Me and my I’m-grateful-she’s-alive companion, Sister Hoffman.
2. Some of the girls from my district
3. Elder Watson is in the middle, then Elder Butterfeild and I




I can’t tell you all enough how much I love the MTC. I am learning so much. It is teaching me to become a better missionary but also a hand of the Lord. The spirit here is so strong and strengthens my testimony everyday. I am so grateful to be here!

I just want to say I am so grateful for the Lord and what he has done for me. He has been watching over me every step of the way. I have been so blessed to be here at this time. My companion, district, zone strengthen my testimony and we all strive to be better people. I am reminded daily that I am so blessed to be on a mission. God is so good and knows exactly what we need. Our zone loves spending time with each other and we all want to be friends, which is fantastic! It really brings warm feelings to the zone when we all have one purpose and want to help each other with that purpose.

So, I learned that Enthusiasm comes from the greek word which is theos which means God. When we have enthusiasm it means we have God within us! So live life with ENTHUSIASM. It makes life so much better when we have God on our side.

Our Branch Presidencies theme for our zone is W.I.N. What’s Important Now. As we remember this we will realize every time that we need to make every moment count. I am striving to do just that as I make every moment meaningful.

I am so grateful that the MTC has the spirit everywhere. It is so much more meaningful to teach by the spirit when you can feel the spirit constantly. As we know the spirit, we will know his mission.

I am so grateful for the Elders in my district. Seriously, they are the most kind-hearted, sweetest, and wonderful human beings. They have such strong testimonies and share it constantly and show it through their actions. I am so blessed. They teach me everyday. I love being with them. They ask me questions about things like I am their older sister. Sometimes they even do call me the older sister of our district family. We have so much fun and learn so much together. Even though they are so young, they know so much already and they amaze me. They are really ready and they want to learn. I am so thankful that we don’t have any problems with each other. We love each other so much! It is amazing that we all can love each other so much and know each other so well in just a few short weeks. I constantly thank my Heavenly Father for their examples and strength.

Throughout the soon to be 3 WEEKS at the MTC I have learned more and more about the reason why missionary work and being a missionary is so important. The mission is really about inviting others to come unto Christ by teaching and helping them, the investigators/others, with the steps towards faith and true conversion. We are their guides but they have to do most of the work in their testimony building. We can’t build their testimony for them. They will be leaning on the missionaries testimony rather then their own if we do that. It is so vital that you have the spirit with you, always. It doesn’t matter if you can’t speak everything that you want to say in Korean, as long as the spirit is there with you and you are sincere. The Lord will fill any gap or any barrier that you have as long as you try your hardest. It is not about being a perfect missionary, it is about having perfect faith that the Lord will help and guide you as you try (your hardest) to teach your investigators. Also, if you don’t have anything else to say or don’t understand what the investigator says just bear your testimony and the people you are teaching will be touched and will know that you are being sincere. The Lord is always there for you as long as you stay faithful and endure. Making connections with your investigator helps them feel your love and sincerity. It is so important to teach by the spirit. Just loving those around you will show them that you truly care about them and are teaching them because we truly care about their well-being.

I can’t believe I have been here almost 3 weeks! It is crazy!

Thank you to everyone for all of your love, your letters, pictures, everything! I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has blessed me with such great family, and friends.

Chonin Saranghameeda! I love you! I wasn’t able to open up the korean keyboard but next time I will type in korean.

Love, Orme Chamay